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The Judge Isn’t Always Right

The Judge Isn’t Always Right

Image Credit: GDJ / Pixabay You’ve all imbibed the “burden of communication rests on the communicator” and “the judge is always right” narratives from your coaches and parents. Contrary to the (intentionally provocative) title, these sentiments aren’t inaccurate per...
Reimagining Trichotomy: Part 2

Reimagining Trichotomy: Part 2

Image Credit: PIRO4D / Pixabay In October 2021, we published an article interrogating trichotomy, debate lingo for the classic tripartite categorization of resolutions as fact, value, or policy. Before you continue reading, make sure you revisit the original...
Tackling Thalidomide

Tackling Thalidomide

Image Credit: qimono / Pixabay The thalidomide tragedy, refracted through the classic NCFCA LD negative case, unfolds as follows: “Thalidomide, a sedative sold by a German drugmaker, was said to relieve everything from anxiety to morning sickness, but it led to...