Our elite Mastership Sourcebooks for NCFCA and Stoa will release soon! Check them out here!

Chicago, Illinois

Ethos is coming to Chicago on July 30th-August 3rd! Here’s what you need to know:

The Deets

Where is it?

The Orchard – Arlington Heights
Church Office: (847) 392-4840

When is it?

July 30th-August 3rd. 9-4 each day.

How much is it?

$299 per student.

What formats will you be coaching?

LD, TP, and Parli.

What experience level is this camp intended for?

Everyone! We’ll have three coaches there, so we’ll be able to split up novices, intermediate, and advanced. If you’ve never done a debate round before, you should come. If you won nationals last year, you should still come! Everyone has more to learn.

What league will you be coaching?

We’ll be coaching debate. Regardless of what league you compete in, this camp will work for you. However, since our audience is mostly from NCFCA at this camp, we’ll be using cases and examples from the NCFCA resolutions as well as having some breakout sessions to discuss the new resolutions. If enough people are interested, we’ll have breakout sessions for other resolutions.

How old do I have to be before I can attend?

We recommend attendees be above the age of thirteen. See this video for an explanation of why. However, this is more of a guideline than a rule. Email us at ethosdebatecommunications@gmail.com if you’re interested in an exception.

Are there any discounts or scholarships?

There’s a family discount that takes 20% off of your order. It’s only applicable for families purchasing multiple tickets together. Upon checkout, when asked for a discount code, use the code 2018family.

 Partial and occasionally full scholarships are available for those in true need. Please contact us at ethosdebatecommunications@gmail.com  explaining your needs.

Will you be providing meals?

Nope! You’re on your own. Pack a lunch, order Chinese food, eat your flowpad, the choice is yours!

What about host housing?

If you are coming from out of town, please contact Louis Kolssak: lkolssak@gmail.com

Your Coaches:

Chris Ostertag

Chris Ostertag

Head coach

Joel Erickson

Joel Erickson

Assistant Coach

We’re still working on confirming the best team of debate coaches you’ve ever seen. Other coaches may be at your camp based on attendees and scheduling. 




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