Gilbert, Arizona
Ethos is coming to Arizona on July 26th-28th! Here’s what you need to know:
The Deets
Where is it?
The Vineyard Community Church: 601 S Cooper Rd. Gilbert, AZ 85233
When is it?
July 26th-28th. 9-4 each day.
How much is it?
$199 per student.
What formats will you be coaching?
LD and TP with a couple Parli-focused breakout sessions.
What experience level is this camp intended for?
Everyone! We’ll have three coaches there, so we’ll be able to split up novices, intermediate, and advanced. If you’ve never done a debate round before, you should come. If you won nationals last year, you should still come! Everyone has more to learn.
What league will you be coaching?
We’ll be coaching debate. Regardless of what league you compete in, this camp will work for you. However, since our audience is mostly from Stoa at this camp, we’ll be using cases and examples from the Stoa resolutions as well as having some breakout sessions to discuss the new resolutions. If enough people are interested, we’ll have breakout sessions for other resolutions.
How old do I have to be before I can attend?
We recommend attendees be above the age of thirteen. See this video for an explanation of why. However, this is more of a guideline than a rule. Email us at ethosdebatecommunications@gmail.com if you’re interested in an exception.
Are there any discounts or scholarships?
There’s a family discount that takes 20% off of your order. It’s only applicable for families purchasing multiple tickets together. Upon checkout, when asked for a discount code, use the code 2018family.
Earlybird registrants can receive a 35% discount by July 14th by entering the cod AZEARLYBIRD.
Partial and occasionally full scholarships are available for those in true need. Please contact us at ethosdebatecommunications@gmail.com explaining your needs.
Will you be providing meals?
Nope! You’re on your own. Pack a lunch, order Chinese food, eat your flowpad, the choice is yours!
What about host housing?
If you are coming from out of town, please contact Richard Fenger: 10fengers@gmail.com

Your Coaches:

Chris Ostertag
Assistant coach
Chris Ostertag is an alumnus of NCFCA and STOA and a current student at Grove City College, where he holds a fellowship to study philosophy and law. An unapologetic nerd, he’s enthusiastic about syllogisms, literature, and esoteric jazz music. In his spare time, he can be found making cold brew, ardently debating epistemology in the philosophy suite, playing gigs as a member of the Grove City College string quartet, and stargazing.
Competed in NCFCA and STOA LD and TP, and college NPDA and IPDA.
Held the highest regional at-large score in two separate styles of debate for three consecutive years.
During his last high school LD season, Chris went into NITOC ranked second in the nation on speechranks.com.
During the same season, he also won a national open and earned the third-place speaker award at NCFCA nationals.
Last year, during his freshman year of college, he went undefeated at IPDA nationals, where he took home the first-place title.
As a coach, Chris has authored material for multiple national-level sourcebooks, coached local clubs since 2014, single-handedly organized and taught several LD summer camps, and maintained a roster of online students who’ve won notable regional- and national-level accolades.