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So what is most likely to help club members improve their speeches? The parents and students at Lone Star Christian Communicators, a speech and debate club in Austin, Isaiah was asked to give an hour talk on giving and receiving speech feedback in club.

Several parents thought it radically changed how they give feedback (and said leagues should provide this sort of training…), so Elijah Schow was kind enough to put some footage together to share.


Don’t forget that this and many other coaching videos are available on our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/ethosdebate

Isaiah_McPeak-squareIsaiah McPeak is the Head Coach at Ethos Debate, and Co-Founder at sports tech company statUP.com. He has over 10 years experience in speech and debate, coaching 5 national champions and placing top 5 in multiple leagues himself. Outside of the debate world, he’s had years experience as an intelligence analyst, writer, rhetoric teacher, and communications coach. He is also the CEO of the new startup, statUP.

Isaiah is also author of Upside Down Debate, a 5-star rated book that teaches debate from a life-transference and Classical Rhetoric perspective.

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