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From Novice to Intermediate

The Foundation of Impromptu

The Foundation of Impromptu

Every so often, I'm asked if there's any speech event that's a necessity to compete in. My answer is always the same: "Impromptu". Impromptu is an event that pushes your speaking style and thinking to the maximum. Learning the event is one of the most effective ways...

The Fallacious Fiat

The Fallacious Fiat

If you’ve been in debate for any length of time, you’re probably well aware of the principle of fiat power. You’ve read about it in debate manuals, learned about it in camp, and probably even argued it in actual rounds. In fact, it’s even addressed in other Ethos...

Guidelines to Dropped Arguments – Part 1

Guidelines to Dropped Arguments – Part 1

In my second year of speech and debate, I had a favorite phrase: "My opponent dropped my argument." Whenever my opponent ignored the slightest bit of my analysis, I harped on it and even made it a voting issue. I wrote an elaborate script that I'd give every time my...

The Number One Way to Boost Consistency – Tagging

The Number One Way to Boost Consistency – Tagging

"No way I should've lost that round; I won every argument on the flow." "How did I lose? The judge ignored my most important argument!" "It's not my fault I lost; my logic was perfect." You've likely heard people justify their losses in these ways. Thoughts along...

Midseason Blues

Midseason Blues

Here in the frigid wastelands of Chicago, spring can seem a long way off. Debaters everywhere know how that feels: we often hit plateaus where we lack motivation or feel like we'll never reach that next level. If you're looking for some midseason encouragement, you've...

Negative Strategy

National Champion Ryan Collins delivers a lecture on negative strategy.