by Thaddeus Tague | Sep 15, 2018 | Best Resources, Example Rounds, Briefs, and Case Studies, Negative, Research Tips, Stoa Resolutions, Tournaments
The Ethos Sourcebooks are up for purchase! Are you ready for this debate season to get started?? Ethos has a long legacy of publishing only the best content. We put together an all-star team of researchers to do some intensive research for the Stoa and NCFCA...
by Anna Johansen | Apr 11, 2018 | Technique, Top Drills
You remember Charlie Brown’s teacher from the old cartoons? In the animated adaptations, teacher Miss Othmar sounds exactly like a trombone honking (that might be because they actually used a trombone to make the noise). This is what it sounds like. And unfortunately,...
by Thaddeus Tague | Jan 20, 2018 | Coaching a Club, Negative, Research Tips, Thinking Strategically
Every style of policy debate operates from different and sometimes competing preconceptions and assumptions. At Ethos Debate, we run off several well-worn and sometimes overused phrases. One of those, we proudly tout, is that we teach debaters how to think, not what...
by Noah Farley | Dec 2, 2017 | Parliamentary
Burdens. Love them or hate them, you can’t escape them. Whether it’s a Negative team arguing you don’t have enough evidence or an Affirmative team arguing that the resolution only requires one successful application, debate of all forms is filled with arguments...
by Anna Johansen | Nov 22, 2017 | Technique
In early 2003, the US was convinced it had to do something about the Iraqi nuclear threat. Secretary of State Colin Powell stood in front of the United Nations Security Council, outlined the proof of Iraq’s supposed nuclear program, and urged the world leaders...