Our elite Mastership Sourcebooks for NCFCA and Stoa will release soon! Check them out here!

Research Efficiency 101

A lot of people wonder how Ethos briefs could possibly be so long. Do we have lives? Are we just research zombies? Are we, possibly, robots? While all these are very plausible theories (and while I have considered the last one for *certain* members of our staff :P),...

Sourcebook Errata

We always hope in our editing process that we catch and fix every typo and error. Unfortunately, there are usually a few things that make it through into the finished product. We are going to be publishing our sourcebook errata to the website as we become aware of it...

How to Run a Club Research Ring

Note to readers: any other tips you can think of would be much appreciated – please comment! The most important thing I’ve learned is that TP is not an individual event. You can do all the brief writing yourself… but if you do, you’ll probably...