by Harrison Durland | Feb 12, 2021 | Soapbox
This post is part of a series:See part 1 hereSee part 2 hereSee part 3 here Throughout this series, I’ve been setting the stage for and summarizing Pragmatism as an expansive paradigm/weighing mechanism for a judge to make decisions in debate (among other things, such...
by Harrison Durland | Jan 8, 2021 | Soapbox
In the previous article in this series, I discussed some of the flaws with paradigms that rigidly rely on things such as traditions/norms and rules as the foundational metric for good theory arguments, judging philosophies, or other choices in debate (e.g., which...
by Harrison Durland | Dec 25, 2020 | Soapbox
In my previous article I discussed some of the “goals and anti-goals of debate.” It was partially a standalone topic, but it also served as a lead-in to this broader series on what I’ve decided to call Pragmatism Theory (or just “Pragmatism”). This article still won’t...
by Noah Farley | Oct 27, 2017 | Lincoln-Douglas, Stoa, Stoa Resolutions
In the last two pieces, I’ve discussed a couple of things that have changed due to the new resolution we’ve drawn for Stoa this year. So far, we’ve covered the proper role of values in a fact resolution and the lack of need for applications to prove the resolution....