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Going Negative Unprepared

Going Negative Unprepared

You listen as the Aff speaker presents their case. They drone through their introduction and into their first point, and a sinking feeling begins to slide its icy fingers around your heart. You’ve never prepared a negative strategy against this case; you don’t know...
Parli Prep: Using Your Time Well

Parli Prep: Using Your Time Well

My last post detailed how to prepare for parliamentary debate by expanding your knowledge base. But with that knowledge on hand, how can you best use your precious minutes of prep time? Generally, your prep sessions are best divided into three sections. Giraldine...
Deep Thought: Improving Your Knowledge Base

Deep Thought: Improving Your Knowledge Base

My grandfather might be the scariest man I know. He’s a nuclear physicist who’s taught at universities all over the world. He was intimately involved in the Mars Rover project in the 1970’s. When you ask him if he has been to Area 51, he sighs and...