The 2023-24 Ethos sourcebooks are HERE!
2023 Stoa TP Preseason Mastership Sourcebook (bulk purchase)
$35.00 -
2023 Stoa TP Preseason Mastership Sourcebook
$45.00 -
2023 NCFCA TP Preseason Mastership Sourcebook
$45.00 -
2023 NCFCA TP Preseason Mastership Sourcebook (bulk purchase)
$35.00 -
2023 Stoa LD Preseason Mastership Sourcebook
$35.00 -
2023 Stoa LD Preseason Mastership Sourcebook (bulk purchase)
$25.00 -
2023 NCFCA LD Preseason Mastership Sourcebook
$35.00 -
2023 NCFCA LD Preseason Mastership Sourcebook (bulk purchase)
$25.00 -
Ethos Energy Policy Backfiles
$10.00 -
Ethos Transportation Policy Backfiles
What sets our sourcebooks apart?
At Ethos, it’s not just quality over quantity. It’s
quality, quantity, and strategy over everything.
Expert researchers. We hired national champions, policy analysts, and national-level collegiate debaters as researchers for this sourcebook. Our authors get payed the best rates on the market, and it shows.
Prepped positions. Both our generic and specific positions are fully structured and bolstered with credible evidence. We’re not just giving you a pile of cards — we’ve written your cases for you, both aff and neg.
Evidentiary quality. There are strict evidentiary standards at Ethos. We’re paying our sourcebook writers to meticulously comb through the thousands of articles to get you only the most credible authors with the most relevant information.
20 Briefs | NCFCA / Stoa
- 4 fully structured affirmative cases, complete with evidence, rhetoric, and strategy notes.
- 4 prepped negative cases, with evidence, rhetoric, and fully-structured contentions (and strategy notes).
- 8 short blocks for all aff/neg cases with second-line responses and extension evidence.
- 4 big generic briefs with cards and analysis against a host of possible affirmative and Negative cases.
Team Policy
25 Briefs | NCFCA / Stoa
- 6 fully prepped affirmative cases with strategy notes.
- 6 extensive Aff blocks with answers to a host of negative arguments
- 6 specific negative briefs with structured positions and strategy notes.
- 2 huge generic briefs on each side of the topic lecture with subsections addressing each possible issue that might come up.
- 4 fully structured generic disadvantages, complete with second line responses, specific links, extensions for each subpoint, Affirmative responses, and strategy notes.
- 1 all-inclusive Topicality brief with definitions on each contentious word in the resolution and prepped T-presses.
Real reviews from real debaters.
Hundreds and hundreds of competitors used the Ethos sourcebooks last season. Here’s what just a few of them had to say.
Team Policy Sourcebook Review
Most sourcebooks are a joke, worthless to anyone with over a year of experience. They are poorly formatted, cite weak sources, and seem designed to fill time more than win rounds. Ethos is nothing like that. This product is high-quality and expansive. The evidence is from top-tier sources, and the arguments are designed to win under Net Benefits. In short, it looks like some of the best briefs that elite Stoa TPers produce each year …
My only regret surrounding this sourcebook is that my opponents will have it.
Charlie Said | National Champion in TP Debate @ NITOC 2022
Team Policy Sourcebook Review
Bigger than last year, and cheaper? Actually good cases… in a sourcebook? General briefs and DAs? All the boxes have been checked, and then some. This is a steal, 5/5 stars.
Josiah Mosbey | Nationals-level TP Debater in NCFCA
Lincoln-Douglas Sourcebook Review
270+ pages of thorough research for just 30 bucks… what a deal! The cases in this sourcebook have great insight into different perspectives on the resolution and an abundance of strong evidence cards that contain statistics and examples that are very helpful. I highly recommend.
Cade Goeble | National Finalist in LD Debate @ NITOC 2022
Lincoln-Douglas Sourcebook Review
This sourcebook looks exactly like sourcebooks should. It already contains massive amounts of research, but more importantly, it gave me a huge leg up in understand what kinds of cases I can run and what other people might be running. … This sourcebook is well worth the price for the amount you’re getting, and I could not recommend it more.
Evan Lopez | Nationals-level LD Debate Competitor
Team Policy Sourcebook Review
Wide range of argumentation, this has multiple generics that I have actually USED. Usually generics are vague trash that don’t apply. I have used a[n] [E]thos generic every neg round I have argued in. It is a massive breath of fresh air to have decent generics … It is 40 bucks for just over 570 pages of evidence. Thats an amazing deal for what you get. Instead of buying some ties just get this sourcebook.
Brad Tomasovic | National Finalist in TP Debate @ NITOC 2022
Team Policy Sourcebook Review
At about 500 pages, you get the most from Ethos for the least amount of money. The standard of evidence is the highest in the league. The only possible drawback is how *comprehensive* it is. You’ll have so much evidence on your hands, you won’t know what to use.
Joseph Lin | Nationals-level TP Debater in NCFCA
“The best sourcebook, with amazing authors and even better evidence.”
“If you’re wanting to get a jump start on this season, the sourcebook is for you. If you want to maintain a jump on the season, not just in the beginning of the season, this sourcebook is for you. The Affirmative Cases are great and written well – oh and in case you forgot, there’s SIX Affirmative Cases in the sourcebook. Then there’s the Negative Briefs, which of course are great. Then there’s the Generics – sheeshhh, probably my favorite things out of the sourcebook, especially the Gen T (Written by the one and only Nathanael Morgan). All the Gens are going to be a great help throughout the season. The only thing I could ask for are some better intros for 1 or 2 of the 1ACs. But then again, as all the Sourcebook Writers say, make the case your own, so I suppose it’s ultimately up to you. In all, I’d describe the Ethos Sourcebook with one word: Legendary.”
“Simply put, the Ethos sourcebook is outstanding. The cases that the sourcebook contains are certainly well developed, researched, and laid out; for competitors that are looking for cases to run, obtaining the sourcebook is unquestionably the right action. The Neg briefs will most definitely be beneficial to teams that hit these cases (and also variants of these cases). However, the almost two hundred pages of generic briefs, in my opinion, are undoubtedly the best part of the sourcebook. These briefs are extremely well written, and will serve you well throughout the year. All in all, the Ethos sourcebook is much better than any other sourcebook that is out there, and is less expensive than many others. I would recommend the sourcebook for those who are just starting out all the way to advanced students.”
“I’ve seen my fair share of disappointing sourcebooks. This one felt way different. Most importantly, unlike most sourcebooks, most of the arguments presented across the cases, back-ups, and briefs are compelling and well-supported. I could see a very large portion of this sourcebook’s 570 pages being featured on an RFD as a winning point for the side presenting it. Not common among sourcebooks. Worth the money.”
“This year’s sourcebook is the best resource for getting a jumpstart on prep for the upcoming season. Whether you plan on using one of the cases, getting a few fully written neg briefs out of the way, or pulling out the DAs and Gen briefs whenever they are needed in your rounds, I highly recommend the sourcebook to any debater, regardless of experience level.”
“The best thing about the Ethos Sourcebook in my opinion is the generic briefs section. Whenever I go into a round that i have no idea what the other team is running, I get really scared that I’ll have to do an impromptu neg. And tbh I’ve always been scared of them. But the generic briefs on AI as a whole is absolutely AMAZING! It has section after section of evidence, logic links, and impacts on basically anything to do with AI. The great thing about it is that theres actually two briefs, one against AI and one for it. So regardless if the opposing team’s plan is to increase or abolish, the sourcebook will 100% have evidence that i’ll be able to use. So the next time I do an impromptu neg, I know that i’ll be able to have well-researched arguments on my side.”
“This source book is a fantastic resource! Not only does it have a plentiful amount of cases, but it also has a number of topical papers that help to define and explain the topic as well as several topical DAs. It really provides a great toolbox to help understand the topic, which I think is just as critical as the cases themselves. Well worth the purchase – a lot of great content for a reasonable price.”
“This sourcebook is 100% worth it, and I would recommend it to any debater who is looking to 1. Debate well, and 2. Learn about the resolution. Debaters going into this year expecting to do better then last year, or debaters who regularly make it to Nationals, this sourcebook’s only flaw is having too much evidence. :p”
“Wow! This sourcebook is EPIC! 570 pages long, Loads of evidence, Generic briefs, And tons of Affs and Negs. 100% worth the money!”
“This is my first experience with a sourcebook, and this is probably one of the best I could have! I just absolutely love it and for Debaters at my level or even on the high end, I think its worth ever cent!!”
“This sourcebook will definitely help. 570 pages… sheesh. Two major plus’s is that the majority of the evidence is credible, and the t-presses are also pog. The only thing that sucks is I have to print it all…”
“Sigma casebook, 570 pages ish, worth every cent.”