From Intermediate to Advanced
Isaiah on Winning Outrounds
Learn from Isaiah McPeak how to improve your outround performance.
Lindsay See on Rebuttals
Rebuttals have two basic points: 1. Why you’re winning the arguments you’re winning, and 2. Why those ones are the most important.
Three Common TP Questions
Isaiah answers 3 top questions Team Policy debaters have.
Pugh/Bozarth vs. Kintzing/Kintzing
Flow this round write down 3 things you should improve in your presentation style as a result.
“Examples: The Key to Understanding Complex Concepts”
Credit: Pixabay ( “Narrative imagining — story — is the fundamental instrument of thought. Rational capacities depend upon it. It is our chief means of looking into the future, or...
You Lost Me: How to Keep Complex Topics Understandable for the Average Person
For The Debater Not Going to Nationals
Photo Credit: Chris Boland, With the month of May coming to a close, final competitions like NITOC and the NCFCA Championship are right around the corner. Regionals was an exciting time to see people make well-earned...
This Resource Will Save You Hours
Photo Credit: Jason Blackeye, I’m not joking, this is possibly one of the most valuable articles that I have published on the Ethos website. That is because this article is a list of different documents that I have made or have seen...
Theory is Underutilized
Source: There's few things that make experienced debaters happier than a quality Topicality debate (Hereafter referred to by the common debate lingo of "T"). That's probably because T is so...
Please Stop Stalling For Time We all have pet peeves, things that to others would simply be minor annoyances, but to ourselves represent all that is wrong in the world. For example, the difference between "I could care less" and "I...
Choosing the Perfect Speech Topic Maybe I've gone crazy, but I'm going to depart from this blog's usual debate content (with a little bit of impromptu sprinkled in) and use this article to discuss one of the most important things I've...
You Don’t Care “How They Are Doing Today,” So Stop Asking
Now I've done it. If I was "rough around the edges" before, I'm practically Ebeneezer Scrooge now—and that's before the ghosts paid him a visit. But hear me out on this one. My Problem With The Question™ "How are you doing today?""How are you this morning?""How are...
The 85% Rule and Conversational Speaking A few weeks ago, I was listening to an old episode of The Tim Ferris Show, in which Ferris was interviewing the actor Hugh Jackman. One of the most interesting concepts that was discussed was the "85%...
To Quote, Or Not to Quote, That Is The Question
Most people would agree that higher speaker points tend to correlate with higher win rates in debate. Of course, there will always be teams who get low speaks and still do exceptionally well, and there will be those who speak well but still are stuck going...
Mindset Change: Learning Above Winning
We all enjoy getting trophies. We all enjoy the recognition. We all enjoy a job well done. Does speech and debate have more to offer? All it takes is one quick internet search to find that speech and debate offers infinite value to all ages. Additionally, you do...
Collapsing Is Only Scary If You’re a Building. It's fairly often that I'll make an argument and practically be wiped across the floor by my opponent's response. Does that mean I'm a bad debater? Not at all! As much as we would like to believe...
You Should Relate To Your Judge. Here Are 3 Effective Techniques How.
In James 1:19, James makes it known that every person should be “quick to hear, slow to speak” and in Proverbs 18:2, Solomon goes as far as to say, “A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion.” The message that we can learn...
Be Yourself In Debate — The Judge Will Remember.
Oftentimes, people who think differently from the mainstream position are criticized for their views. For instance, the founding of the United States of America and the freedom for which it stands only came about because certain people were bold enough to be...
Storytelling: Case Theses in Value Debate
(Image Credit: Pixabay) Our hero breathes heavily, fending off blow after blow with what remains of his strength. He digs deep within himself for one last swing and lands a solid hit to his opponent’s jaw. His opponent staggers as our hero lands a second hit, and a...