by Jala Boyer | Apr 1, 2024 | Coaching, Soapbox, Thinking Strategically
Photo Credit: BermixStudio ( When we debate against cases that seem to turn the judge’s emotions into a mountain, it often feels impossible to recover and dream of winning the round....
by Hannah Cavanaugh | Jan 29, 2024 | College Debate, From Intermediate to Advanced, Lincoln-Douglas, NCFCA, NSDA, Parliamentary, Stoa, Thinking Strategically
Credit: Pixabay ( “Narrative imagining — story — is the fundamental instrument of thought. Rational capacities depend upon it. It is our chief means of looking into the future, or...
by Hannah Cavanaugh | Dec 10, 2023 | Communication/Rhetoric, Cross Examination, From Advanced to National-Class, Lincoln-Douglas, Strategy, Team Policy, Technique, Thinking Strategically, Uncategorized
One thing I’ve noticed in my short time on the other side of competition is how useless cross-examination often becomes. In my experience, it is usually used as a short conversation to get to know your opponent, to have them repeat what they just spent the last 6-8...
by Hannah Cavanaugh | Nov 1, 2023 | Lincoln-Douglas, Parliamentary, Team Policy, Technique, Thinking Strategically, Uncategorized
Picture Credit – Out of the 5 speaker categories on every debate ballot, one of the most undervalued (at least in my opinion) is that of organization. While every original constructive...
by Jala Boyer | Sep 25, 2023 | Debate Formats, Debate Resources, Platform, Team Policy, Thinking Strategically
Photo Credit: Ben Wicks. ( Have you ever wondered what is the most optimal way to communicate with someone? Coming from the world of debate, one would expect that it is a...
by Nathanael Morgan | May 2, 2023 | Affirmative, Concept Analysis, Debate Resources, NCFCA, Negative, NSDA, Research Tips, Stoa, Thinking Strategically
Source: Pixabay For the first time in history, the modern western world suffers not from a lack of information, but an utter abundance of it. Now, more than ever, it is critical that those who wish to find answers know how to sort through all the meaningless and...