by Noah McKay | Mar 25, 2024 | Debate Formats, Debate Rounds, Lincoln-Douglas, NCFCA, Strategy
Image from There’s been controversy in the NCFCA recently about the use of theological arguments in Lincoln-Douglas debate rounds, so much so that the NCFCA released an official letter...
by Amanda McPhetridge | Feb 14, 2022 | Debate Rounds, From Novice to Intermediate, Negative, Team Policy
The year- 2020. The tournament- A Regional District Qualifier(the last one before our season catapulted into nothingness.) The round- Finals. In the hours leading up to debate breaks for finals, the new National Research Labs case was in the forefront of my mind. If...
by Justin Marwad | Dec 11, 2021 | Debate Rounds, From Advanced to National-Class
“Excuse me, sir, what’s your opinion on pineapple pizza?” You look down and see a child you don’t know talking to you. Confused at the initial question and needing to think about it for a bit, you pull out a pocket kitchen timer that you keep with you at all times...
by Thad Burson | May 5, 2020 | Debate Rounds, Online Debate
“Online debate.” I am not going to lie, when I hear that phrase, I cringe. Or at least, I used to. After partaking in an online debate tournament, I have found that online debate provides a viable, beneficial, and even fun alternative to debate tournaments during...
by Thaddeus Tague | Feb 7, 2019 | Bonus Evidence, Debate Rounds, NSDA, Uncategorized
This topic post is for Gov/Aff/Pro. Between watching practice rounds, and helping teams prep, it seems like Pro/Aff is definitely fighting an uphill battle on the PF February motion. Why? It can be daunting to argue against a really well run Fill-in DA, especially...
by Joshua Hu | Jan 3, 2018 | Debate Rounds, From Advanced to National-Class, From Intermediate to Advanced, From Novice to Intermediate, Strategy, Technique, Top Drills
There is no one right way to structure rebuttals, no special formula your speeches should follow so that the judge must vote for you. However, there are certain fundamental elements of great rebuttals. When well-developed, these elements will tremendously increase...