Our elite Mastership Sourcebooks for NCFCA and Stoa will release soon! Check them out here!
The Ethos Sourcebook Is Almost Here!

The Ethos Sourcebook Is Almost Here!

We’ve got an incredible line up of writers for the sourcebook, as you can see. We’re doing our best to give you a great jump-start on the year! Here are some details:TP Sourcebooks will be $45 and contain 7 aff cases with backup, 7 neg cases, and 7 generic...
Wanted: Blog Authors

Wanted: Blog Authors

Have you ever wanted to share your views on aspects of speech and debate with an audience? To tell others about a drill you found really effective for practicing? To help debaters overall take their debating to the next level? Personally, I loved sharing my thoughts...
Wanted: Ethos Bloggers

Wanted: Ethos Bloggers

One day in September, I got an email welcoming me to the Ethos team. I’d seen a post asking for applicants, sent in my resume, and landed a spot as a blogger. That was two years ago, almost to the day. Since then, I’ve gotten to see hundreds of posts from other...