by Thaddeus Tague | Nov 20, 2019 | Announcements, Best Resources, Bonus Evidence, Stoa, Uncategorized
Ethos debate is excited to announce that this Saturday it will be releasing both its Stoa and NCFCA TP sourcebooks. We have 18 quality briefs in each sourcebook, that are ready for debaters to use. In order for you to see the quality of the sourcebook, we are...
by Thaddeus Tague | Feb 12, 2019 | Bonus Evidence, NSDA, Public Forum, Uncategorized
Looking for a ton of quality evidence and insightful topic analyses compiled by seasoned debaters? We’ve got our free 110-page March PF brief here! The heart of this debate will boil down to which side of the motion can provide the best housing for the most...
by Joshua Hu | Feb 12, 2019 | Bonus Evidence, Lincoln-Douglas, NSDA, Research Tips, Uncategorized
In August 2019, Ethos will begin publishing and selling high-quality briefs on the NSDA Public Forum (PF) and Lincoln-Douglas (LD) topics. We’ve recruited some outstanding researchers and are looking forward to what we can bring you! What Makes Ethos Different?...
by Thaddeus Tague | Feb 7, 2019 | Bonus Evidence, Debate Rounds, NSDA, Uncategorized
This topic post is for Gov/Aff/Pro. Between watching practice rounds, and helping teams prep, it seems like Pro/Aff is definitely fighting an uphill battle on the PF February motion. Why? It can be daunting to argue against a really well run Fill-in DA, especially...
by Thaddeus Tague | Jan 29, 2019 | Announcements, Best Resources, Bonus Evidence, Example Rounds, Briefs, and Case Studies, Research Tips
We have exciting news, everyone… Ethos is publishing mid-season sourcebooks for both NCFCA and Stoa TP! They will be almost exclusively negative briefs on the cases being run in the leagues. There will be around 10 or more negs per sourcebook that you can immediately...
by emilyerose | Oct 13, 2017 | Bonus Evidence, Ethos Info
We can’t wait to show you guys what we’ve been cooking up over here in sourcebook central. We’re in the middle of an editing storm right now, prepping the briefs that you guys will be using to expand your knowledge and win tournaments! We finally...