by Abbey Lovett | May 26, 2016 | Debate Rounds, The Parli Station
Lots of Ethos debaters are at nationals and we’re getting called and texted off the hook. Thankfully, we declined to write resolutions for such a time as this. Take a look at the “mess” of parli prep time, and how a strategy must be quickly formulated… plus what a...
by Abbey Lovett | May 25, 2016 | Lincoln-Douglas, Strategy
There was a disagreement between two Ethos team members: Principles vs. Examples in LD Value Debate. Of course, they handled it with a debate. Joel Erickson takes the side of Principles and Isaiah McPeak argues for Examples. Let us know on Facebook who you thought...
by Abbey Lovett | May 10, 2016 | Coaching, Strategy, Tournaments
If you’re headed to a national championship or want to take your skills to the national level next year, Isaiah has a few things you can work on. In this vlog, Isaiah tackles the question of what makes a national-class debater. Adopt these 4 traits into your...
by Abbey Lovett | Apr 11, 2016 | Coaching, Coaching a Club, From Advanced to National-Class, Technique, Tournaments, Video
In this post, Isaiah addresses winning outrounds. He takes a look at a couple techniques to utilize to increase your chances of winning those tough rounds. This post is especially beneficial for debaters who consistently break, but can’t manage to get past that...
by Abbey Lovett | Apr 6, 2016 | Guest Posts, Video
In this post, Isaiah interviews Zachary Slayback, Business Development Director at Praxis, Author of the soon-to-be-released book The End of School, and Entrepreneur. Zachary debated in high school and he explains how the skills he gained in his debate career transfer...