by Rebecca Frazer | Feb 7, 2015 | Coaching, Technique
Once there was a robot named Bob. Bob was programmed to deliver helpful information in a timely and organized matter. Bob was intuitive. His antennas could pick-up and decode human language, triggering him to respond with his helpful information whenever another...
by Rebecca Frazer | Jan 8, 2015 | From Intermediate to Advanced, Guest Posts, Soapbox
Any Hunger Games fans out there? We don’t own any archer themed pictures for this post, so you get someone in odd clothing. I recently talked to group of skilled debaters about how to develop champion-level negative strategies. My advice may surprise you. It...
by Rebecca Frazer | May 21, 2014 | Soapbox
You’re not all Type A. But a lot of you are. And so am I. So let’s talk for a minute. Wikipedia {if I need to write an article defending the general credibility of Wikipedia, leave me a comment} defines the “Type A” personality as those who are “ambitious,...
by Rebecca Frazer | Sep 18, 2013 | Coaching, From Intermediate to Advanced
I am a competitive person. We’ll just get that out of way here and now. Ever since I learned how to play Go Fish and Old Maid when I was three years old, I have tried to win practically every competition I have been involved in. I thought I was one of the most...
by Rebecca Frazer | Aug 16, 2013 | Coaching, Counterplans, From Novice to Intermediate
“Wait, they are running a topical counterplan against us? What do I do?” I said something along these lines to my debate partner in an NCFCA policy round at a national open. Arguing theory wasn’t popular in my region (I hadn’t debated a counterplan in two...