by Jala Boyer | Sep 25, 2023 | Debate Formats, Debate Resources, Platform, Team Policy, Thinking Strategically
Photo Credit: Ben Wicks. ( Have you ever wondered what is the most optimal way to communicate with someone? Coming from the world of debate, one would expect that it is a...
by Jala Boyer | May 26, 2023 | From Advanced to National-Class, From Intermediate to Advanced, From Novice to Intermediate, Strategy, Tournaments
Photo Credit: Chris Boland, With the month of May coming to a close, final competitions like NITOC and the NCFCA Championship are right around the corner. Regionals was an exciting time to see people make well-earned...
by Jala Boyer | Apr 27, 2023 | Platform, Soapbox, Speech Events, Uncategorized
Photo Credit: Valdimir Fedotov, In my personal opinion, there are three things that every speaker wants to know: where to find the cheapest business outfits, how to memorize a speech in less than 24 hours, and how to sound...
by Jala Boyer | Mar 20, 2023 | Persuasive, Platform, Speech Events, Uncategorized
Photo Credit: Kace Rodriguez, So you have an idea for a speech? Great. But now what? The speech is just a general concept floating around in your head. It’s pretty difficult to envision it becoming something presentable at a...
by Jala Boyer | Feb 20, 2023 | Affirmative, College Debate, Debate Leagues, Debate Resources, From Intermediate to Advanced, From Novice to Intermediate, NCFCA, Negative, NSDA, Research Tips, Stoa, Strategy, Technique, Uncategorized
Photo Credit: Jason Blackeye, I’m not joking, this is possibly one of the most valuable articles that I have published on the Ethos website. That is because this article is a list of different documents that I have made or have seen...