by Zachary Kos | Feb 18, 2022 | Coaching a Club, Concept Analysis, Lincoln-Douglas, Parliamentary, Strategy, Thinking Strategically, Uncategorized
How do you view debate? Which type of argument(s) do you prioritize? Have you lost a round on what you thought was an insignificant argument? If there was consensus over debaters’ most strongly disliked reason for decision, it would be the round lost on an argument,...
by Nathanael Arroyave | Jan 26, 2022 | From Intermediate to Advanced, From Novice to Intermediate, Lincoln-Douglas, Thinking Strategically, Uncategorized
(Image Credit: Pixabay) Our hero breathes heavily, fending off blow after blow with what remains of his strength. He digs deep within himself for one last swing and lands a solid hit to his opponent’s jaw. His opponent staggers as our hero lands a second hit, and a...
by Zachary Kos | Jan 14, 2022 | Best Resources, Communication/Rhetoric, From Intermediate to Advanced, From Novice to Intermediate, Speech Events, Thinking Strategically, Uncategorized
We hear coaches (and judges) discuss the need to “stand out from the competition.” Point well taken. Just one question: What does this mean for writing, blocking, and performing our platforms? If you have ever asked or thought of a similar question, you are not alone....
by Amanda McPhetridge | Jan 7, 2022 | From Novice to Intermediate, Negative, Thinking Strategically, Uncategorized
(Shutterstock, cvm) When preparing for a big game, there is one thing all football players are required to know. The game plan. Various plays prepared beforehand to use during the game. What is your debate game plan? What will you say if the Negative team...
by Justin Marwad | Jan 4, 2022 | From Advanced to National-Class, Thinking Strategically, Uncategorized
It’s halftime. You just got past the NEG block and the 1AR is about to start. You’re feeling pretty confident about your arguments and believe that there’s no way the other team can recover from your heavy onslaught. The rebuttals come around and you just solidify...
by Luke Castle | Dec 8, 2021 | Best Resources, Speech Events, Technique, Thinking Strategically, Uncategorized
I know that we are finally to finals and the Christmas season with many students across the nation thrilled to take a break. However, as a forensics kid, you’re reaching one of the busiest times of the year. If I had to guess, you are registered for around four speech...