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Schedule Isaiah


Isaiah McPeak was not only a top debater (multiple top 5 placings) in his time, but since he started his coaching career, he has taught 5 national champions. He has started/lead four successful debate clubs as well as coaching at over 20. Every debater/coach/teacher/club benefits in some way from his advice. All this being said, Isaiah is now available to come to your clubs, conferences, leadership retreats, anywhere for two and a half days to coach and train.

Expertise: leadership, business, running a club, communication, rhetoric, logic, everything debate

Coaching Success 

David Kurashige – 2008 NCCFI LD Policy National Champion
McPeak/Shipsey – 2010 NCFCA TP Champions
Ryan Collins/John Bush – 2013 NCFCA TP Champions
Marykatherine Collins – 2014 Persuasive Speaking Champion
Clare Downing/Claire Hungar – 2015 Duke National High School Moot Court Champions

Personal Success Ranked top-5 nationally in numerous events (Including: 2004 NCFCA TP – 3rd Place, 2005 NEDA TP – 4th Place, 2007 ACMA Moot Court – 1st Place Brief, 2007 ACMA Moot Court – 5th Place Team)

Club Success

Impact (placed 3rd at nationals first year in operation),

Patrick Henry College (Patrick Henry College won NEDA “Program of the Year” in 2008 when Isaiah was Executive Coach),

Vector (won every regional championship for 4 consecutive years and broke 4-5 teams at bats every year) A

PEX (produced the national champion first year in operation)

Education B.A. in Strategic Intelligence (2008). President’s and Dean’s list honoree (Patrick Henry College). Continual Self-Education: Classical rhetoric (thoughful communication), philosophy, design, business, leadership, and management.


Executive, built Analyst, Marketing, Product Management functions, 9Lenses (SaaS)

Owner/Director, Ethos Publications LLC (www.ethosdebate.com)

Deputy Program Manager, built division from scratch, Best Value Technology Inc.

Co-Founder, Nathan Hale Center for Intelligence Studies (NHCIS)

Rhetoric, Logic, and Debate Teacher, Oak Hill Christian School,

Executive Debate Coach, Patrick Henry College,

Intelligence Analyst, Product Creator, Delex,

Analyst, Concurrent Technologies Corporation,

Volunteer, heavy community involvement as volunteer, coach, and mentor. Personal coach to over 50 students since 2005.

Past speaking experience in the professional world

  • Leadership Institute adult/politician debate trainings, speech workshops, and webinars
  • Fairfax Co. Chief of Police HQ Debate on Immigration
  • Speaker, at for Action Conference Colorado
  • Toastmasters Train the Trainer Events, training Figures of Speech and Debate
  • Business conferences, like the Chief Strategy Officer Summit in San Francisco (link to the video)
  • LinkedIn Influencer blogger (link to some things?)

Costs $3,000 for two and a half days. In other words, $150 per student in a class of 20.

Not convinced by Isaiah’s credentials, success, and experience to book him for your club? Take a look at some testimonials from his students and fellow coaches.


“Isaiah McPeak is the best mentor I’ve had. His leadership skills are impeccable, and he helped me achieve specific goals swiftly and successfully. Isaiah is a remarkable coach who is dedicated to success and excellence, and regularly helps his students achieve it.” ~Tyler Humphrey, Small-Business Owner

“Isaiah’s coaching transformed the way I debate by helping me to look past the details in a debate to the core principle under discussion.” ~John Bush, NCFCA Team Policy National Champion 2013

“Isaiah McPeak is one of the most effective coaches I’ve ever seen. He ignites intellectual curiosity and presses students to think, really think. His enthusiasm for teaching logic, reason and rhetoric has significantly influenced me as a coach, and has powerfully impacted my students.” ~TJ Harding, debate coach

To book Isaiah, contact us now!

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