by Joshua Anumolu | May 1, 2019 | Communication/Rhetoric, Soapbox, Speaking, Technique
Author Robin Sloan described attending debates sponsored by the Long Now Foundation. He was struck by the debate format, writing, “The first time I saw one of these debates, it blew my mind.” Why were these debates so revolutionary? Sloan gives some context: “Our...
by Harrison Durland | Mar 28, 2018 | Disadvantages, Strategy
Nuclear war usually appears in debate rounds about as often as Hitler: with absurd frequency. In this post, Harrison finishes discussing another technique for responding to nuclear disadvantages. Read part one here. The arguments are generally wrong/invalid This...
by Joshua Hu | Jan 24, 2018 | From Advanced to National-Class, From Intermediate to Advanced, Negative, Technique
In my last post, I laid out a clear case concerning why rebuttals deserve more attention from debaters, and listed five key fundamentals of national-class rebuttals. This post will look at the uniqueness of the rebuttal speeches, particularly in Policy &...
by Joshua Hu | Jan 3, 2018 | Debate Rounds, From Advanced to National-Class, From Intermediate to Advanced, From Novice to Intermediate, Strategy, Technique, Top Drills
There is no one right way to structure rebuttals, no special formula your speeches should follow so that the judge must vote for you. However, there are certain fundamental elements of great rebuttals. When well-developed, these elements will tremendously increase...
by Anna Johansen | Nov 22, 2017 | Technique
In early 2003, the US was convinced it had to do something about the Iraqi nuclear threat. Secretary of State Colin Powell stood in front of the United Nations Security Council, outlined the proof of Iraq’s supposed nuclear program, and urged the world leaders...