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Taken/compiled from “The Debate Bible”, by Jon Bruschke

Partner Interaction:

1. DO NOT interrupt your prepping partner unless they explicitly ask for your help. Immediately before they get up to speak, you get 30 seconds to tell them the 3 or 4 most important arguments they need to respond to.

2. The 1NR will happily and without complaint take any arguments and read any cards the 2NC asks them to read.

3. [Ethos Summary] Decide negative refutation strategy before the round, either shell/extend or split, to avoid confusion and frustration.

Before The Round:

4. Feel free to find the other team and ask what they are running, and ask as many questions as you feel necessary. Don’t press them on anything that they won’t tell you, and if they don’t want to reveal something do not get hot and bothered.

During The Round:

5. Don’t intentionally withhold cards from the other team; be as forthcoming as you can.

6. At all times attack the arguments of the opponents, not their personality flaws. Attack arguments as being abusive, not people as being abusive. If they are running abusive arguments, DON’T GET PERSONALLY OFFENDED THAT YOUR OPPONENT RAN AN ABUSIVE ARGUMENT. Just beat it. If they have to run something really abusive they are probably grasping at straws anyway.

7. Make the negative give you a text of any counter-plan.


8. At all times try to act like you are just legitimately seeking information. They will be more likely to answer honestly if you aren’t locked into a “I must crush them into submission” mode.

9. If they get out of line or become unduly assertive in cross-ex, act amused at their immaturity and make a joke about it. [Ethos Note: The judge will notice when someone is being ridiculous in cross-x, and don’t be snarky. Keep your cool, and act professional.]

After The Round:

10. Do not argue with the judge. [Ethos Note: At all.]

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