by Isaiah McPeak | Jul 10, 2023 | Guest Posts
Isaiah, one of the original founders of Ethos, is back with a guest post about using all types of proof, not just the kind people with advanced degrees. In just a couple of days he’s doing a special livestream you’re not going to want to miss. He will be...
by Isaiah McPeak | Nov 18, 2017 | Coaching, Communication/Rhetoric, Technique, Top Drills
Audiences dread public speaking because they think, from a whole pile of bad coaching on the subject, that public speaking is about being perfect. It’s not. Nobody likes a perfect person. Public speaking is about being likable, so your message shines through. Today...
by Isaiah McPeak | Mar 28, 2017 | Coaching, Coaching a Club, Communication/Rhetoric, Soapbox
Editor’s Note: As Isaiah steps down as CEO, Head Coach, and Leader of Ethos, it seems rather prudent to publish this post, which embodies everything Isaiah taught and will continue to teach. This idea of teaching with a lens of “But why?” continues...
by Isaiah McPeak | Mar 16, 2017 | Ethos Info, Featured
Purple Killer Bunnies. That was the name of Ethos for two years before we decided to get a name with some credibility (“Ethos,” get it? Har har). In 2003, when I truly fell in love with debate, I admired debate coaches so much. Never did I think you all might let me...
by Isaiah McPeak | Dec 21, 2016 | Best Resources, Bonus Evidence, DebateSmart, Strategy, Technique, Thinking Strategically
Debate, the Ultimate 21st Century Skill (if you pursue it as such) Ask ten different people, get ten different answers. Kind of like when people find out my wife and I met in a debate, they assume we argue a whole lot… and I politely remind them that “nobody is...