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“No Independence” – Bloomberg

“No Independence. Still, despite all this good news, the U.S. energy boom won’t deliver the one geopolitical benefit Americans long for most: a release from the Middle East. True, by 2020 the U.S. will be importing substantially less oil than it does today, and...

Money Decides Military Commitments [Evidence]

Damaging or strengthen relations with other countries or reducing the tendency of the United States to be a global policeman are important issues. But sometimes the most fundamental parts of government (money) decide which programs or commitments go, and which ones...

And Now You Know: Important UN Acronyms

Good debaters know their stuff. This is some stuff you should definitely know if you’re debating the UN resolution. This list is by no means exhaustive, and that’s on purpose, because ya’ll feel like reading through pages of acronyms exactly as much as I feel like...