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Foreign Policy In Focus 09 – US pays $250 billion annually for overseas military bases
Anita Dancs, [assistant professor of economics at Western New England College, Foreign Policy In Focus analyst], “The Cost of the Global U.S. Military Presence”, Foreign Policy In Focus, [think tank on U.S. foreign policy and international affairs, branch of Institute for Policy Studies], July 2, 2009, http://www.fpif.org/reports/the_cost_of_the_global_us_military_presence, [Ethos]
The U.S. military’s global presence is vast and costly. More than one-third of U.S. troops are currently based abroad or afloat in international waters, and hundreds of bases and access agreements exist throughout the world. At the beginning of the 21st century, the government pushed to expand this presence through a variety of mechanisms. Yet the Department of Defense’s budget presentations lack enough detail to make it possible to know the precise cost. The budgets don’t break down the numbers, for example, on maintaining bases at home and overseas. Nevertheless, from data on personnel, bases, and the Pentagon’s budgets, it’s possible to make an estimate. This number comes from the proportion of each branch’s budget devoted to military personnel stationed overseas, excluding troops based in and around Iraq and Afghanistan. Since one-fourth of these military personnel are stationed overseas, the overall figure includes one-fourth of the defense-wide budget. Finally, it includes the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the amount of military assistance to other countries. The report does not include subsidies from governments that host bases, three-quarters of which come from Japan alone. The final bill: The United States spends approximately $250 billion annually to maintain troops, equipment, fleets, and bases overseas.

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