Ethos author Drew Chambers (and partner Katie Bode) paired off against fellow Vector team Chloe Lorence and Rachell Smith in semifinals at last week’s Region IX tournament. Drew and Katie went on to win the tournament (their second tournament win in three tournaments), but this round is a great example round to watch a successful neg. The decision was 3-2.
Note: It’s kind of hard to hear b/c it was recorded by a laptop’s webcam and built in speaker. You’ll want headphones.
excellent round to both teams.
rachell/chloe…niiice job. even though i’m glad that someone did finally beat new start [lol…jk] both teams did fantastic! : )
WOW, that first MD card in the 1AC is REALLY powertagged. No converting of ICBM silos into MD silos =/= ineffective missile defense.
First of all, conversion of ICBM silos has absolutely NOTHING to do with the actual TECHNOLOGY used in MD (which stinks anyway). Secondly, Dr. Gates and General O’Reilly have both said that it would be CHEAPER and MORE EFFECTIVE to just…build…new ones.
Miiiiight want to change that…
What happened to the videos?? I’d love to watch…