Our elite Mastership Sourcebooks for NCFCA and Stoa will release soon! Check them out here!

Who Needs Textbooks?

The internet is full of free debate resources. If you are looking for more information or explanation about debate, read these links! Introduction to Policy Debate Bruschke’s “The Debate Bible” The Odessa CX Debate Handbook Prager’s...

Readings on Russia

I’ve never liked using textbooks for school. They tend to be boring. They tend to promote a single viewpoint. They tend to be poorly written. I also have always figured that my children were spending so much time on the debate topic that it was a good idea to...
1 Hour Teaching Debate to Novices

1 Hour Teaching Debate to Novices

I was asked to teach 14 high school students at a homeschool co-op about 30 minutes south of me. They aren’t really competing, but just taking a class, are halfway through the Christy Shipe book and have read all the Ethos 1ACs (presumably–this has been...