by Thaddeus Tague | Sep 15, 2018 | Best Resources, Example Rounds, Briefs, and Case Studies, Negative, Research Tips, Stoa Resolutions, Tournaments
The Ethos Sourcebooks are up for purchase! Are you ready for this debate season to get started?? Ethos has a long legacy of publishing only the best content. We put together an all-star team of researchers to do some intensive research for the Stoa and NCFCA...
by Thaddeus Tague | Jul 18, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hello Ethos Family, Go ahead and recall the best debate round you’ve ever seen. Or even better, recall in your head one of the several orators that you idolize, or maybe a speech that has remained in your memory since you heard it first. Ever wondered if it would be...
by Thaddeus Tague | Jul 5, 2018 | Guest Posts, Research Tips, Stoa Resolutions, Uncategorized
This post is a guest post from one of our 2018-19 sourcebook authors Jadon Buzzard. Take a look at the resources, and use his knowledge to help prep for the upcoming year! I know what you’re thinking. “Oh man, the 2018-2019 Stoa team policy resolution dropped like a...
by Thaddeus Tague | Jun 28, 2018 | Best Resources, From Intermediate to Advanced, Negative, Technique, Thinking Strategically, Uncategorized
Whenever I come into conversation with a parent or student who wants resources to “get better” at debate, among many recommendations, I tell them to take a gander at the Ethos blog. If you have the time to scroll and scroll, it goes way back and contains a...
by Thaddeus Tague | Jun 9, 2018 | Best Resources, Research Tips
Ethos Debate has been around for a little longer than a decade now, if my math is correct. Through teaching about a hundred camps, judging thousands of rounds, and coaching tens of thousands of hours (and a dozen national champs), we have a few books that just might...