Our elite Mastership Sourcebooks for NCFCA and Stoa will release soon! Check them out here!

Happy Thanksgiving!

All of us at Ethos hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are currently working on finishing up the first update and hope to have that to you on or about December 7. We have added a forum to our site for those of you logged in. We would like to use this forum to...

Read the book!

I remember immigration year. At about this point in the season, one of our Ethos authors told me we needed to research a particular item for an update. I had to laugh and ask him if he had actually read his copy of Ethos. The very information he was seeking was right...

What would you like tips on?

We here at Ethos know that many of our customers find the lengthy “generics” one of the better features of Ethos because they can apply powerfully to so many cases. Others, however, struggle finding these applicable and sometimes are left in the middle of...

Aff Cases (plus sample case)

We do not have a completely releasable table of contents yet because we add to it about every other day new briefs that need written. But we at least know our affs (and their negs). You will like them because they have plan advocates from which we derived the mandates...

What’s going on at Ethos

Good evening. We’re not all that into big time advertising, which is why we haven’t been emailing you twice a week this summer (or once… or at all… heh). For those who like to keep on top of things and are planning next year, we apologize for...